The various families of finch-like birds with classic wedge-shaped bills feed largely on seeds, but many other types of birds indulge in this energy rich food.
American Goldfinch
non-breeding female eating composite seeds

American Goldfinch      Carduelis tristis
USA; Illinois, Chicago, Montrose PointAmerican Tree Sparrow
feeding on daisy fleabane seeds

American Tree Sparrow      Spizella arborea
USA; Illinois, ChicagoBlack-capped Chickadee
kicking snow off of a Yarrow seed head before flying back to seize the seeds

Black-capped Chickadee      Poecile atricapillus
Black-faced Waxbill
feeding on grass seed

Black-faced Waxbill      Estrilda erythronotos
Republic of South Africa, east of Modimolle, Limpopo Prov.Clark's Nutcracker
feeding in pine; seed in beak

Clark's Nutcracker      Nucifraga columbiana
Canada; British Columbia, Penticton BCCommon Redpoll
eating birch seeds

Common Redpoll      Carduelis flammea
USA; Illinois, Glencoe, Chicago Botanic GardensEvening Grosbeak
eating Chinese elm seeds

Evening Grosbeak      Coccothraustes vespertinus
Canada; British Columbia, SummerlandGraylag Goose
eating Rumex seeds

Graylag Goose      Anser anser
United Kingdom; England, St. James's Park, LondonLarge Ground-Finch
with yellow cordia seed

Large Ground-Finch      Geospiza magnirostris
Galapagos, Darwin Bay Tower IslandMedium Ground-Finch
cracking seed

Medium Ground-Finch      Geospiza fortis
Galapagos, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Is. (Indefatigable Is.)Orange-breasted Bunting
feeding on grass seeds

Orange-breasted Bunting      Passerina leclancherii
Mexico; Oaxaca, Ixtepec OaxacaPlain-colored Seedeater
eating grass seed

Plain-colored Seedeater      Catamenia inornata
Colombia, Parque Nacional Los NevadosPygmy Nuthatch
feeding on sumac, Rhus

Pygmy Nuthatch      Sitta pygmaea
USA; New Mexico, Los Alamos Co.Red-winged Blackbird
dandelion seeds in bill

Red-winged Blackbird      Agelaius phoeniceus
USA; Illinois, Chicago, Cook Co.Reed Bunting
feeding on frosted reed seedhead, Phragmites

Reed Bunting      Emberiza schoeniclus
United Kingdom, EssexSnow Bunting
eating grass seed

Snow Bunting      Plectrophenax nivalis
USA; Illinois, Montrose Beach, ChicagoSwamp Sparrow
eating foxtail grass seed, Setaria

Swamp Sparrow      Melospiza georgiana
USA; Illinois, Montrose Beach, ChicagoWhite-crowned Sparrow
First winter birds, eating seeds

White-crowned Sparrow      Zonotrichia leucophrys
USA; Illinois, Chicago, Montrose PointWhite-winged Crossbill
holding hemlock cone in foot, extracting seed with bill, Tsuga

White-winged Crossbill      Loxia leucoptera
USA; Ohio, Green Lawn Cemetery, ColumbusYellow-faced Grassquit
feeding on grass seed

Yellow-faced Grassquit      Tiaris olivaceus
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